

Launching the codebase (both Free and Pro version) on localhost won't take you more than 10 minutes.

Clone the repository

The CodebaseUp Free is publicly accessible on GitHub.


Create your own repository

Create your own repository (e.g. on GitHub) and link it with the cloned one:

git remote set-url origin

Install dependencies

The codebase uses pnpm v8.8.0 and Node.js v18.17.0

Install pnpm:

curl -fsSL | sh -

For Node.js installation, I recommend using nvm as it allows you to use and switch between multiple versions seamlessly. Follow the installation steps in the nvm official documentation.

# install nvm
curl -o- | bash
# verify installation
command -v nvm
# install the desired Node.js version
nvm install 18.17.0
# activate Node.js version from the root of your codebase
nvm use

Then install codebase project dependencies:

pnpm install

Add local environment variables

Create a .env.local file based on the provided .env.local.example - this enables respective modules, e.g. Google OAuth, a connection to a PostgreSQL database, Sendgrid emailing, AWS S3 file uploads, etc. -- the modules start working out of the box once connected via the environment variables. Head over to module documentation for further details.

The only required environment variable is NEXTAUTH_SECRET and you can generate one at

Spin up the development server:

You can launch the whole monorepo (all apps and packages) by running

pnpm run dev

Or you can run only a specific app or package (e.g. to save some computer resources):

pnpm run dev --filter=web

Access the app

Go to http://localhost:3000 to see the app up and running.